American Society of Head & Neck Radiology
820 Jorie Blvd., Suite 300
Oak Brook, IL 60523

ASHNR and BSHNI Joint Program

Announcement of a New Joint Program of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology and the British Society of Head and Neck Imaging

We are pleased to announce this new visiting professorship program between our societies. The program involves exchange of faculty between institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom. The goal of the program is to broaden interest and education in Head and Neck Radiology.

Faculty from the ASHNR or BSHNI selected for this program will spend 1-2 weeks in the UK (ASHNR) or the USA (BSHNI) and will lecture at different institutions through the UK, or within a geographical region of the USA. Travel costs and accommodations will be supported in part by the sponsoring society. The program will begin with the first BSHNI speaker in 2024 and the first ASHNR speaker in 2025 and will occur annually thereafter.

First ASHNR-BSHNI Visiting Professor

We are very happy to announce Dr. Gitta Madani as the first ASHNR-BSHNI Visiting Professor in 2024!  She will visit several institutions on the west coast of the United States later this year.

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Requirements and Additional Information:

• Interested applicants please submit your CV, 5 lecture titles, and a cover letter to Committee Chair Mai-Lan Ho, MD, at Application deadline is July 26, 2024.

• The ASHNR visiting professor will be selected by the ASHNR International Relations Committee, approved by the ASHNR Executive Committee, and announced at the ASHNR Annual Meeting in September 2024. Selection will be based on speaker experience and expertise in H&N imaging, including prior lectures at ASHNR/ASNR/RSNA or other equivalent national/international meetings.

• BSHNI Faculty will be selected following a call for interest from Full Members of the society. The selection criteria will broadly follow that set out by ASHNR & approved by the BSHNI Council.

• Participating UK Institutions include London (Kings/Imperial/ Northwick Park/ Great Ormond treet/Southampton/Oxford/Cambridge/Birmingham/ East Midlands/Manchester/Newcastle and Edinburgh, Scotland.

• Participating USA regions include Northeast (Boston University, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Massachusetts General Brigham, Yale University), Midwest (Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, University of Missouri, University of Pittsburgh, University of Wisconsin), Southeast (Duke University, Emory University, Texas Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University), and West (Stanford University, UCSF, UCSD, USC, Oregon Health Sciences University, and University of Utah). Geographic regions will be rotated every year.

For more information please contact:

Kristine Mosier DMD, PhD, President, ASHNR:
Christine Glastonbury MBBS, President-Elect ASHNR:
Ram Vaidhyanath M.D. Vice President, BSHNI: